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Chapter the First -- Section 2

By the time Louie and Schlepp got back to the bedroom, Big Schlepp had everyone in the Brigade mustered.  His deep bass command voice boomed out the roll-call.





“Nani Pea”


“Blue Man Bear”


“Big Brown Bear”


“Gussie's Bear”





“The beautiful Roberta -- here!”

“Herr Professor Barr”




“Rabbit Command”

“All present and accounted for!”

“Small Bear Battalion”

“All present and accounted for!”

“Critters,” Big Schlepp began, “we have a problem.  Lightfoot is missing.”

An audible gasp escaped the assembled group.

“All we have is this...” Big Schlepp motioned Louie forward and the leaf was unrolled. 

“Herr Professor, do you have any idea what this is?”

“Ach, ja!  Gott im Himmel!” Professor Bear exclaimed, “Das ist mit der pseudo-radioactiv!”